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Drink Water Alkaline Tips And Promotions May 19, 2016 |
Great Alkaline News For You!
Hi everyone, Allan here with
Keeping your body alkaline is now becoming easier with Protandim’s nfr2. One might even be able to say we’re going back to the future with this. So by going back into the body and in-effect re-training the human cells to send out antioxidants to the tune of around one million antioxidants to one free radical per second, per second. This retraining of the cells is bringing them back to where they were years ago. This helps keep your oxidative stress (free radicals) in check. We All Have Oxidative StressOxidative stress is a major factor in our aging process. In fact the larger quantity of oxidative stress in a mammal body, the faster and more pronounced the aging becomes. This also includes disease too. Remember, disease needs acidity to exist. Free radicals (oxidative stress) are by nature acidic. Keeping a body alkaline is difficult to say the least. However, we have found by using a nrf2 activator such as Protandim this will do allot towards keeping up with your bodies production of "free radicals" also known as "oxidative stress". Now there will be a even newer sheriff in town called nrf1. This will be introduced on May 17th. This will change science forever! For the better! So not only will we have the nrf2, to help keep us healthy now we will be getting deeper into healthy life with the nrf1.
Enjoy An Alkaline Day,
Allan |
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