Here you will be able to learn why we are here. Some might think this is strictly about making money, I say to you, it is not! The reason why is sad but true. We started this site to help folks to be more healthy in their choices for their water, alkalizing their bodies for better health and hopefully a longer life. Oh, and hopefully make some money too.
However, this year we sadly learned first hand what can happen when a person takes life for granted. Our son was a bachelor and lived alone. Surviving mainly on pizza and soda-pop. Working either nights or afternoons he never really got out in the sun to much. We tried to warn him as he ages of the dangers of not drinking the right water and taking supplements. Our son didn't listen, he at thirty-five years old had a heart attack and died. There was nobody there to call 911!
So we learned you're never to young to practice good health. This is why we do this site.
Hi Everyone, We're Allan & Jeri!! We Are The Owners Of |
"" saying hello there and welcome to our site! As you scroll through and begin to take notice of different items of information in this site, you may see things that raise an eyebrow or has you saying,
"Wow, I didn't know that, but that makes sense."
We challenge you to dig deeper until you find the answers you need because this could be something that could help someone live a healthier life.
We are a marrried couple from the USA and have lived in Arizona now for the past 20 some years. Between the two of us we have seven children, six now since we lost one of our sons to a heart attack this past summer.
My name is Allan. I mainly find the info and follow the people who are in the know and try to bring you the latest science to look at and take home. I am a U.S. Army Vietnam disabled veteran that was doing terrible with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis diagnosed and treated by the Veterans Healthcare in the mid 1990's until I discovered the importance of "Alkaline". What a weird word that is and I at the start didn't know what it was all about until I actually started using products that are alkalizing my 100 trillion plus little cells in my body. "My body" now that is something I never thought about when I was younger. It, (I) was just there and didn't know any better. But now we're here to share some of the knowledge we have gained with you.
On this person she will have to okay what I write but here goes. (Whew, wife approves), My wife is Jeri, we have been together for around 27 or 28 years now. As with most we've had our ups and downs. We share, now, six children, his and/or hers equal ours!
Jeri was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years back and at that point decided to make some major changes in her eating habits and found with good supplementation reversed the diabetes completely. Jeri is a go getter and a people person and is always doing something to help people somewhere. She belongs to a group called "The Lady Lionesses" which is the woman's part of the Lions group in the U.S.A.
When it comes to the water you drink and some of the choices you have in making an alkaline body, we want you to have all the info you need to protect you and your family and to know what you are putting into yourself is at least safe, chemical free and alkaline when needed. This will also include alkaline, ionized info too.
If you drink your water without a filter, then, you become the filter!